A 1952 photograph of the Valley View Firemen’s Band, Valley View, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
This photo appeared in the Pottsville Republican, 18 March 1952, along with information that the band was organized in January 1951 and the photograph was taken at the Hegins Township High School, Hegins Township, Schuylkill County, the preceding Sunday at its Spring Concert.
Identified in the photo are:
Conductor (center, in white): John Schade.
Guest Conductor (center, in black): Bartel Schade, former Hegins Township High School band director, now [1952] of Newark, New Jersey.
The following are not specifically identified in the photo but were named as members of specific sections of the band:
Horns: Joseph Deibert; Mark Schwalm; Elmer Carl; Ray Troutman.
Baritones: Howard Troutman; LEwis Ebert; John Boyer; Carlos Koppenhaver.
Saxophones: John Scheib; Woodrow Zerbe.
Clarinets: Venus Bowman; Jack Hatter; Peter Miller; Andrew Koppenhaver; Jack Klouser.
Bass: Charles Klinger; Kenneth Schaeffer; James Koppenhaver; Harold Miller.
Drums: Richard Zimmerman; Robert Klinger; Dallas Herb; Harold Richards; Fred Bowman; Richard Klouser.
Trombones: Bruce Troutman; Jack Dunkle; Clair Klinger; Kenneth Block; Vernon Houck.
Trumpets: Wayne Fetterolf; Ivan Klinger; Palmer Smeltz; James Shadel; Robert Smeltz; Richard Maurer; Lee Boyer; James Troutman; Leon Schwalm; Elvin Troutman.
Photo and information from Newspapers.com. If any reader has access to a better copy of this band photograph and is willing to share it, it can be posted here.
Information leading to research for this blog post was provided by Jeremiah Umholtz.
Corrections and additional information should be added as comments to this post.