Introduction: A list of graduates of Lykens High School, 1885-1931, was published by the Lykens Standard, 20 March 1931. Today’s blog post gives the introduction to the article. Future posts will name the graduates for each year.
Compiled by H. W. Cook
The following roll of the Alumnae of the Lykens High School was compiled in the office of Pro. R. W. Cook, and has been handed to the STANDARD for publication. The purpose being to ascertain the correctness and the number actually living, and place where, of this large number of Alumnae. The High School’s first class to graduate was in 1885, and consisted of four members. The Borough of Lykens has had a high school for the past forty-five years, and has graduated classes annually except for the year 1902, when they changed the course from a three year to a four year course. Total number of graduates, as the records show, are now 596.
During the past seven years there were 194 students graduated. This number is incomparable with any other similar period since the foundation of the Lykens High School. Also during this same period there is another fact of importance that is outstanding and worthy of commendation, that being that 51% of all those graduated during the past seven years have entered some higher institution of learning. A record indeed that every citizen of our community can be proud of. Out of the fourteen normal schools in the State of Pennsylvania, Lykens boys and girls are at the present time enrolled in eight of them. In many colleges and technical schools in the state and out of the state, many boys and girls who have graduated from the Lykens High School. are matriculated. The records show that these has not been any failures among the boys and girls from Lykens that have entered these Normal school, colleges and technical schools. However, we do like to point out the fact that all these boys and girls have achieved, and advanced themselves educationally that their reflection on their Alma Mater is nothing but bestowing upon it the highest honor and glory that is humanely possible.
The present Senior class will graduate on May 17, 1931, and consists of twenty-nine members. The classes in years to follow should show a marked increase, due to the fact that at the present time we are offering both the commercial and the academic course in our school. However, with the number of post-graduate students returning to take up the commercial course, it will also increase the number of of those that are taking graduate work. There are at present five post-graduate students enrolled in the Lykens High School. A few changes that are worthy to note that have taken place during the past year in the schools are first, the increase in length of the period to fifty-five minutes, the old schedule calling for a forty-minute period. Also, the development and the expansion of the high school library, in which there has been a remarkable interest shown by the boys and girls of the Junior and Senior High School. The present schedule offers an assembly period, which brings before the students lectures from business men and other out-of-town speakers. With all these increases facilities there should be a natural tendency in the part of the boys and girls of our community to remain in school, and finally graduate with their classes.
Finally, it is hoped that the Lykens High School Alumnae Association may be permanently organized into such a working unit that it may give assistance to the schools in general. This is the spot that is now open for some wide awake enthusiastic alumnae to come forth, roll up his sleeves and help put it across.
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