A photograph from the early 21st century of an apartment complex in Loyalton, Washington Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, that was converted from an old barn about 1922, when the building was purchased by Washington Camp No. 454, Patriotic Order of the Sons of America (P. O. S. of A).
At the time of the conversion, the upper level was apartments and the lower level was a bar, restaurant and barber shop. Square dances were held here weekly.
In 1925, the restaurant was operated by Paul Schreffler and Abby [Gotshall] Schreffler, and some young people in Loyalton worked here as waitresses or part-time cooks.
In 1943, the P. O. S. of A. sold the building to Peter Matter and his wife Carrie Matter. Fish fries were regularly held here by the Loyalton Fish and Game Commission. After Peter and Carrie died, Ralph P. Matter and Caroline Matter purchased it. It was again sold in 1959. The owners then, Robert C. Matter and Helen Matter, converted the first floor into apartments, and from that time it has solely been an apartment complex.
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