A copy of the program for the 37th Annual Reunion of the Gratz Old Timers, 1985, Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
The Old Timers
Simeon’s United Lutheran Church
Saturday, May 4, 1985 — 6:00 P. M., D. S. T.
This program sponsored in memory of a wonderful, loving, and understanding father, Mr. Leo F. Rogers. [By] Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rogers.
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Fruit Cocktail; Cranberry Sauce; Relish Tray; Cream Slaw; Mashed Potatoes; Filling; Roast Turkey; Peas; Gravy; Corn; Cake; Coffee; Bread.
Assembling the Clan; The Prayer; Tribute to the Departed; The Dinner; Introducing the First Timers; Home Talent; Secretary-Treasurer Report; Business Meeting; Songfest.
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Mr. Warren Hassinger, president, Dalmatia
Dr. Samuel A. Riegel, vice president, West Chester.
Harry W. Davis, secretary-treasurer, Gratz.
Dr. Clayton J. Umholtz, honorary chairman, Elizabethville.
Called to the greater and final reunion during the past year were Old-Timers:
Miles T. Troxell….. 6 May 1984
Ralph Schminky….. 31 May 1984
Heister Blyler….. 1 June 1984
Carlos Klinger….. 2 July 1984
Harold Umholtz….. 9 July 1984
Virginia [Kissinger] Bowerman….. 31 August 1984
Fred A. Shadle….. 11 December 1984
Arlene A. Kissinger….. 1 February 1985
Sadie [Erdman] Umholtz….. 1 February 1985
Minnie [Kissinger] Kissinger….. 26 February 1985
Kathryn [Kissinger] Byle….. 23 March 1985
Verna [Heim] Shiro….. 3 April 1985
Lena [Smeltz] Dube….. 23 April 1985
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Marie Bellis; Margaret “Peg” Bellis; Ivan Bingaman; Hilda [Koppenhaver[ Bingaman; Clarence Bingaman; Mary [Schadle] Bingaman; Bertha [Lebo] Blyler; Phyllis [Hoover] Bonawitz; Robert Bonawitz; Anne [Steely] Boyer; Clark Boyer; Betty [Hopple] Boyer*; Charles Boyer*; Jennie [Reed] Brosius; Harold Brosius; Margaret [Schminky] Brosius; Dorothy A. Brown; George Bryson*; Yvonne Bryson*; Annie [Schlegel] Coleman; Robert Coleman; Eleanor [Smeltz] Cunningham; Mabel [Bretzius] Daniels; Sandra [Bohn] Davis; Alfreda [Scheib] Davis; Harry W. Davis; Annie [Scheib] decker; Robet Decker; Sadie [Kissinger] Eshelman; Paul A. Goss; Ruth [Fidler] Goss; Evelyn [Hepler] Harner; Jay Harner; Betty [Boyer] Hassinger; Warren Hassinger; Mae Heisey; Edna [Sitlinger] Heller; Minerva [Scheib; Hepler; Warren D. Hepler; Betty [Bixler] Hoffman; Elmer J. Hoffman; Dean Hoffman.
Elsie [Bauer] Hoffman; John Hoffman; Donald E. Hopple*; Shirley M. Hopple*; Rufus G. Kebaugh; Viola [Davis] Kebaugh; Helen [Read] Klinger; Charles O. Klinger; Catherine [Brown] Klinger; Leroy Klinger; Ernestine [Clemens] Klinger; Guy G. Klinger; Dorothy [Troutman] Klinger; Leon Kocher; Margaret [Hoke] Kocher; Gilbert Koppenhaver; Marie [Klinger] Koppenhaver; Myrtle [Kissinger] Koppenhaver; Elsie [Lebo] Kratzer; Meda [Umholtz] Lahr; Fred Laudenslager; Mae [Enders] Laudenslager; Howard K. Lebo; Ruth [Coleman] Lebo; Allen Maurer; Romaine [Rogers] Maurer; Guy Mayer; Gladys [Mervine] Moyer; Wayne Phillips; Helen [Bowerman] Phillips; Reta Phillips; Elsie [Schminky] Portzline; Darvin Rebuck; Dr. Samuel A. Riegel; Martha [Klinger] Riegel; Bruce Rogers; Joan [Zeiders] Robers; Robert L. Rothermel; Hilda [Daniels] Rothermel.
Luma [Schade] Rothermel; Paul E. Scheib; R. Clarita [Blyler] Scheib; Mary [Schaffer] Scheib; Allen A. Shade; Doris [Masser] Shade; Margarette [Kissinger] Schadle; Charles A. Schoffstall; Lois [Green] Schoffstall; Ester [Adams] Schoffstall; Anna [Kissinger] Shadle; Carrie Shiro; John Shoultz; Helen [Klinger] Shoutz; Peter Stine; Marie [Umholtz] Stine; Melvin N. Stroup; Fae [Enders] Stroup; Anna May E. Strayer; Florine A. Strayer; Anna J. Umholtz; Paul F. Umholtz; Dr. Clayton J. Umholtz; Ruth [Palmer] Umholtz; Leo Umholtz; Ruth [Deibert] Umholtz; Lester Umholtz; Warren Weida Sr.; Mabel [Bellis] Weida; Leroy Wiest; Martha [Sitlinger] Wiest; Paul Wiest; Eva [Kessler] Wiest; Elvin Wiest; Sophie [Wagner] Wiest; Blair Wiest; Grace [Mervine] Wiest; Mary [Loppenhaver] Wiest; Mary [Umholtz] Wingert; Earl F. Witmer; Berince [Straub] Witmer.
For a brief history of the Gratz Old Timers, see:
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