A young college student from Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, was accidentally killed when he jumped off the freight train on which he had hitched a ride. The story was reported in the Lykens Standard of May 10, 1907:
Raymond Nace, a popular student at Shippensburg State Normal School, jumped to his death from a swift moving freight train on the Reading Railroad at Mt. Holly Springs Sunday afternoon. Nace, who was the son of Dr. W. Nace, a druggist at Halifax, left Shippensburg Sunday morning to spend the day at Mt. Holly Park. They boarded a freight train and in jumping off at Mt. Holly Springs he was struck by the train and badly injured internally. His arm was run over and amputated the same afternoon. Nace died at 5 o’clock in the evening, several hours before his parents arrived. His companions were uninjured. The news of the young man’s death was received with sadness in the community of his home and in fact throughout the entire upper end of the county, where he was well and favorably known.
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