A colorized photograph of the students and teachers of the Outwood School, near Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, taken about 1918 or 1919. The photo was given to the Pine Grove Press Herald for use in its “Down Memory Lane” feature on August 21, 1975.

Front Row: Fred Boughter; Jacob Wolfe; George Stager; Otto Stager; Ray Lash; Harry Huber.
Second Row: Jennie [Klinger] Mease; Emily [Miller] Kreichbaum; Elizabeth [Miller] Spittle; Florence [Behney] Lehman; Florence [Reed] Houtz; Stewart Beuchler; Clayton “Pat” Miller; Charles Deichert.
Third Row: Gabriel Bohn, teacher; Marie [Bohr] Myers; Elsie [Berger] Readinger; Minerva [Schwalm] Ditzler; Marion [Reed] Shollenberger; Mae [Stager] Ditzler; William Bonawitz; Alvin Adams; Charles Klinger.
Back Row: Harvey Klinger; Donald Klinger; Earl Reber; Frank Newcomer; Roy Behney; Mark Kreichbaum; John Thompson; Jacob Deichert.
The photo was provided by Florence [Behney] Lehman, wife of Myles Lehman. She was unsure whether the photo was taken in 1918 or 1919. She stated: “We called it the Back School.”
From Newspapers.com.
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