Hardware, Plumbing and Heating
A most important branch of commercial activity is the hardware and stove store of Edward Lebo, which has been closely identified with the history, growth and development of Lykens for thirty-five years. The enterprise was founded by Mr. Lebo, and during his many years of successful conduct has been regarded as one of the leading concerns of its kind in the upper valley, and it has long been recognized that if anything in these lines was to be obtained anywhere in this neighborhood at all it could be found here, the diversity and completeness of the stock assuring this fact. Here may be found a complete line of general hardware, stoves, ranges, heaters, oil stoves, tin-ware, agate wear, etc. Estimates are also cheerful submitted for installed sanitary plumbing plants and hot-air heating systems in accordance with the most modern and scientific methods and all work will be done under a guarantee of perfect satisfaction. Mr. Lebo has had a commercial career in Lykens that has been most successful. He owns considerable property, and is regarded as one of the solid men of the borough, No one, perhaps, has taken a more active interest in the growth, development and prosperity of the community than Mr. Lebo. He is a director of the Miners’ Deposit Bank, and for a number of years was an active member of the Board of School Directors. He was the principal promoter in this town of the Williams Valley Railroad, in 1892, now a branch of the Philadelphia & Reading, and is a director of the same, with headquarters at the Reading Terminal, Philadelphia.
Part of a series of biographies of prominent people and stories of Lykens and Wiconisco, that appeared in the Lykens Standard as part of a special anniversary supplement, March 13, 1908
From Newspapers.com.
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