A creamery operated by Jacob Arnts for Charles T. Mattis at 76 Bender Street, Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, from the 1890s, was destroyed by fire on Saturday, January 4, 1902. A prior partner in the creamery, Isaiah Speck, left the business in 1895. Less than a month following the fire, legal notice was given that the partnership between Arts and Mattis was being dissolved.
From the Elizabethville Echo, January 9, 1902:
Last Saturday evening, at about 9:30 o’clock the alarm of fire was given at the lower end of town, and in a few minutes the entire “west end” was in a state of excitement. The creamery building, a large frame structure located near the railroad, had taken fire, it is supposed from an overheated stove, and it burned so rapidly that by the time it was discovered there was no possible hope of saving the building or any large part of its contents. The building was used for the purpose of a creamery by Messrs, Mattis and Arnts, the senior member of the firm being the individual owner of the building. The loss was partly covered by insurance.
From the Elizabethville Echo, January 30, 1902:
Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing under the firm name “Elizabethville Creamery Company” with the business located at Elizabethville, Pennsylvania, has been dissolved by the mutual consent of both the undersigned parties. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the said firm will please call and make immediate payment, while those those holding claims against the firm will present them for payment.
From: History of Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 1817-1967. For availability of this book and other materials on Elizabethville history, contact the Elizabethville Area Historical Society.
News articles from Newspapers.com.
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