An advertisement appearing the Elizabethville Echo, July 28, 1910, for a special excursion ticket to the United Evangelical Camp Meeting at Herndon, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. The camp meting took place from August 2, 1910 to August 11, 1910 and the tickets to and from Herndon were good on days of the camp meeting through return on August 12, 1910.
EXCURSION TICKETS will be sold to Herndon, August 1 to 11, good to return until August 12, inclusive, from Harrisburg, Lykens, Mt. Carmel, Williamsport, Lewisburg, and intermediate stations.
Trains leaving Williamsport at 6:50 A. M. week-days, will stop at Herndon on notice to Conductor or Agent from August 1 to 12, inclusive.
J. R. WOOD, Passenger Traffic Manager…. GEORGE W. BOYD, General Passenger Agent
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