This photograph was taken in 1936 of the pupils of the Geise School in Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The teacher, standing right, is Arlene Klinger, who, according to school records, only served that one year.
The school was also known as the Gise School and was in existence for 100 years from about 1854 to 1954 when it closed and students from this part of the township began attending school in Gratz Borough.
An identification key has been located for students in this picture. However, the student’s names are given in four rows, presenting some confusion as to the identity of the boys who are are kneeling in the front “two” rows.
Front Row (kneeling boys): William “Billy” Gunderman; Donald Koppenhaver; Stanley Engle; Blair Keefer; Carl Sitlinger; John Chubb.
Second Row (kneeling boys): Miles Minnich; Orville Hoffman; David Snyder; Leroy Snyder; Robert Sitlinger.
Third Row (standing girls): Dolores Hoffman (#13); Betsy Kissinger (#14); Alice Minnich (#15); Mildred Kissinger (#16); Pauline Snyder (#17); Melva Sitlinger (#18); Betty Minnich (#19); Verna Snyder (#20).
Back Row (standing): Clarence Mauser (#21); Blair Hoffman (#22); Warren Hoffman (#23); Marie Kissinger (#24); Arlene Sitlinger (#25); Hilda Sitlinger (#26); Lucy Sitlinger (#27); Jennie Snyder (#28); Arlene Klinger (#29), teacher.
See above for the presumed identifications of numbers 13 through 28.
The problem with the identifications in the first two rows is that only eleven names are given while there are 12 boys kneeling. It is not fully clear as to how the rows were originally defined. The first two rows have been re-numbered into one row of 12 and a request is made to readers to submit identifications of these boys – by number – and add these identifications to the comments attached to this post.
Also, if there are any corrections or additions to numbers 13 through 28, they would also be appreciated.