The following news briefs were published in the “Berrysburg News” section of a local newspaper, 19 February 1931:
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lyter and daughter Pauline Lyter and Mrs. Polly Dinger of Harrisburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Forney.
Miss Jennie Weiser is spending some time with Mrs. Sarah App.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Romberger and son of Penbrook spent Tuesday with Mrs. Lena Hoover.
Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Paul Hain were: Mr. and Mrs. John Hain and son Homer Hain and Marlin Hain, Elizabethville R.D.; Mr. and Mrs. Walborn Klinger and children of Lykens; Mr. William Hain of Elizabethville and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klinger of town.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and children of Bowmansdale spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kocher.
Mrs. Ralph Strohecker and daughter Mary Kathryn Strohecker of Harrisburg spent the seek end with Mrs. Mary Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Holtzman and children, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Deibler, Mrs. P. F. Deibler and Kenneth Deibler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schlegel at Lewistown.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bucher and sons of Bowmansdale spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bucher.
Miss Pauline Kebaugh and Mr. Forrest Kebaugh of Harrisburg spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kebaugh.
Funeral services for Clair Dinger held Tuesday afternoon in the United Brethren Church were largely attended by local and out-of town folks.
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