The Lykens Standard of 15 April 1904 reported on an upcoming minstrel show at the Lykens Opera House. While there was no specific mention of black-face-end-men, this was well-known to be standard fare in these shows.
A Laughing Show at the Opera House
Culhane, Chace & Weston’s Big City Minstrels, one of the finest equipped and best all-round minstrels now touring the country, will be the attraction at the Lykens Opera House on Monday evening, April 18th. This company is considered the leader of modern and up-to-date minstrels, playing all the first class houses of the Klaw and Erlanger and Stair and Havelin circuit, which is a recommendation in itself. Although before the public for the past ten years it is their fourth visit to Lykens. The company numbers 35 star performers and is headed by Billie Chace, for years the favorite comedian of Billie Emerson‘s minstrels ar the Standard Theatre, San Francisco, during their famous tho years’ run. The show is full of novelties with eight big specialties in the challenge olio, a magnificent scenic first part, handsome costumes, all new songs, jokes and faces. See the big street parade at noon. Seats go on sale at the opera house on Friday [&] Saturday evenings from 5 to 7 o’clock. Tickets, 25, 35 and 50c.
News article from
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