An advertisement that appeared in the Pottsville Republican & Herald, July 31, 1947, for the performance of the Lone Ranger and Billie Soncrants at Buery’s Grove, Sunday, August 3, 1947. Buery’s Grove was located between Weishample, Lavelle and Gordon, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.

Above, an ad appearing on August 1, 1947, in the Pottsville Republican & Herald, for the same event.
From the Pottsville Republican, August 2, 1947:
The management of Buery’s Grove will bring the LONE STAR RANGER and His Horse SILVER STAR to the park on Sunday, August 3rd, 1947, to play hosts to the children throughout this region as well as the grown-ups who, no doubt, will be just as anxious to see and meet this radio, stage and movie star in person and also his famous horse, SILVER STAR.
The Lone Star Ranger, who has appeared with the leading rodeos throughout the country, is making a limited number of personal appearances throughout the East, prior to going back to Hollywood to make his next picture, titled “The Last of the Mustangs,” in which he will co-star his latest find in lovely and attractive Billie Soncrants, a cowgirl from the Golden West, discovered by the Ranger while headlining a rodeo in Fort Worth, Texas. Billie will have her Wonder Horse “Goldie” along with her on August 3rd and will put it through the paces for the children during an afternoon and evening performance.
The Ranger, who is under contract to Howard Hughes, renowned movie magnet [sic] and aviation expert, recently completed two very fine western thrillers in “Thieves of Copper Harbor” and “Old Mississippi.” Those pictures will be released very soon and will appear on the various theatre screens from coast to coast.
“Silver Star,” the ranger’s thoroughbred horse, is valued at $50,000 and is insured for twice that amount. “Silver Star” is perhaps the best dressed horse on tour today and will strut it’s [sic] wares at the park on Sunday, August 3rd [1947], afternoon and evening.
From the Pottsville Republican & Herald, August 1, 1947:
The management of Buery’s Grove will bring the Lone Star Ranger and his horse “Silver Star” to the park on Sunday to play hosts to children throughout the region.
Adults are also expected to be interested in seeing and meeting the radio and movie star in person and his famous horse.
The Lone Star Ranger is making a number of personal appearances throughout the East. After the tour he will return to Hollywood where he is scheduled to costar with a cowgirl, Billie Soncrants. He will have her horse “Goldie” along with her on Sunday.
The Ranger, who is under contract to Howard Hughes, movie magnate and aviation expert, recently completed two western pictures.
Rain or shine, the show goes on. Bus connections can be made to Buery’s Grove from Locust Dale.
Ads and articles obtained through
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