The Millersburg Herald of last Friday says —
Millersburg and Washington Square arose to find that a number of business places had been entered during the night and relieved of some of their surplus goods. At Berrysburg the necessary tools were taken from the carpenter shop of Jonathan Tobias, with which an entrance was affected into the cellar of J. H. Enterline‘s store, through which they reached the store room. Here they found some loose change, postage stamps, a revolver and other convenient articles at their disposal, which they very literally appropriated to themselves. They also worked themselves into the cellar of C. Swab‘s store, but at last report very few goods were discovered missing. From here they made a hasty retreat to the quiet shades of Washington Square, where they visited mine peaceful host, William Hoke, relieving the bar room fill of all its change, etc. The notion store of William Collier was next made their basis of operation, where they helped themselves to a watch and other valuables. No clue to the thieves has yet been discovered, but suspicion rests on a party of tramps who were loitering about in the neighborhood the previous day.
The above piece was originally from the Millersburg Herald, and reprinted in the Sunbury Gazette, June 6, 1879.
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