Elizabethville – W. D. Frank, Shoes – 1895
An advertisement appearing in the Elizabethville Echo, Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 24 January 1895: I don’t pretend To handle as many styles as the big city stores, but this I […]
An advertisement appearing in the Elizabethville Echo, Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 24 January 1895: I don’t pretend To handle as many styles as the big city stores, but this I […]
A photo from a advertisement for Nelson’s Confectionery, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Home of Whitman’s Chocolates and Homemade Ice Cream THE PLACE TO MEET AND EAT Established 1922 __________________________________ The […]
A photo from an advertisement for Walter Insurance, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Congratulations MILLERSBURG One Hundred and Fifty Years 180-7 – SESQUICENTENNIAL – 1957 20 Years of Insurance Service 400 […]
A photo from an advertisement for Riegle Funeral Home, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. SERVING MILLERSBURG SINCE 1938 RIEGLE FUNERAL HOME 512 Market Street, Millersburg, Pennsylvania. __________________________________ The advertisement appeared in […]
A photo from an advertisement for Oscar I. Row General Contractor, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. OSCAR I. ROW General Contractor PHONE MILLERSBURG I __________________________________ The advertisement appeared in the Souvenir […]
In a ceremony held at 100 East Main Street, Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on 19 April 2017, three officers of the Gratz Bank, Aaron Klinger and Kevin Laudenslager, Senior Vice […]
A photo from an advertisement for Hoy’s Meat Market, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. HOY’S MEAT MARKET Established in Millersburg by EDGAR L. HOY, 1 September 1932 __________________________________ The advertisement appeared […]
On 22 June 1957, Lottie Zerbe sold her personal possessions and some items from her hotel through auctioneer David E. Chubb. The sale was conducted at the Zerbe Hotel, Loyalton, […]