Millersburg – Hotel Gernert – Match Book Cover
An old match book cover advertising the Hotel Gernert, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The cover features a view of the Hotel Gernert and the following wording: Visit Our Grill Beer […]
An old match book cover advertising the Hotel Gernert, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The cover features a view of the Hotel Gernert and the following wording: Visit Our Grill Beer […]
George A. Kosier Mr. Kosier,. one of the successful and progressive businessmen of Lykens, was born at Gratz. When a young boy his family removed to Wiconisco where he worked […]
George W. Parfet Mr. Parfet is a native of Lykens and one if its successful businessmen. He was prominent in the organization of the Lykens Business Men’s Association and acted […]
Elizabethville Planing Mill, Elizabethville, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania, Proprietor: I. T. Buffington. Manufacturer of Lumber Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lath, shingles, etc. Siding, Flooring, Shutters, Moulding, Store Room Fixtures, Chamber Suits, Parlor […]
An advertisement for Leon E. Kocher Cattle Farms, Millersburg (Upper Paxton Township), Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. LEON E. KOCHER CATTLE FARMS HEREFORD CATTLE Located 2 1/2 Miles East of Millersburg __________________________________ […]
An advertisement for Etzweiler Radio & TV, Millersburg (Upper Paxton Township), Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. ETZWEILER RADIO & TV Auto Radios a Specialty ACROSS FROM TAYLOR’S ESSO STATION R. D. 1, […]
First National Bank of Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Charter No. 5563; Organized 1900. Capital —– $25,000; Surplus and Profits —– $68,876; Resources —– $553,000. Officers: I. T. Buffington, President; A. […]
A photograph of the Lykens Valley Basin and Wharf and the end of the Old Wiconisco Canal at Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Also, the end of the railroad, where coal […]