At a special meeting Wednesday evening, April 16th, the Board of School Directors, Wiconisco Township, awarded contracts amounting to $22,643.74, to erect a gymnasium building on the Sheafer plot, Wiconisco, Pennsylvania. Mr. Jno. Stapl, of Harrisburg, received the general contract; Ed Harman of Wiconisco, the heating and ventilating; John E. Washbourne, of Williamstown, plumbing, and G. C. Kinsey of Lykens, electrical contract.
The building, 54 x 82, with a stage to the rear, is modern in every respect, the main floor housing the auditorium-gymnasium, and the basement the locker-rooms, showers, boiler room. It will be of steel and concrete block construction, the exterior following out a conventional Georgian-Colonial design.
Mr. E. J. Kosier, associated with S. H. Grootenboer, Reg. Arch., of Pottsville, is the designer. Mr. Kosier was also the designer of the Fox Garment Company Building at Lykens; The Claremont Theatre, Claremont, New Hampshire; the Robert E. Fitch High School, Graton, Connecticut; the Gardner Court House, Gardner, Massachusetts; and the Hyannis High School, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Background information for this post was provided by Lynda Wiest, of Reno, Nevada, formerly of Wiconisco.
This article appeared in the Lykens Standard, April 18, 1930, and was obtained through Newspapers.com.
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