First President of the Samaritan Hospital Dies
Dr. Franklin S. Bower, a practicing physician in this city for the last thirty-three years and the first president of the Samaritan Hospital, died yesterday at his home, 3318 Germantown Avenue [Philadelphia]. He was fifty-nine years old.
Doctor Bower was educated in Baltimore and practiced for a brief period in Lykens, Pennsylvania, before moving to Philadelphia. He was prominent in the Masons and Odd fellows. He is survived by a widow and two children — George Franklin Bower and Mrs. Leonora [Bower] Sontag.
Obituary from the Philadelphia Evening Public Ledger, August 2, 1919, via Newspapers.com.
Notes: Dr. Bower was born in Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, November 2, 1858. In the 1880 Census he was living with his family in Halifax and gave his occupation as Medical Student. The exact dates he worked as a physician in Lykens are not known at this time. Samaritan Hospital was renamed Temple University Hospital in 1929.
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