A self-portrait of the artist George Tschamber of Williamstown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The original painting is in the collection of the Williamstown Historical Society.
The following biographical sketch of Tschamber can be found on the Facebook page, Williamstown, PA – My Hometown:
George Tschamber was a free-lance artist and instructor in watercolor painting.
He studied at the Brooklyn Museum Art School, Art Students League, Institute of Design and Construction of Brooklyn, and with a number of nationally known watercolorists.
Mr. Tschamber is represented in many important private and public collections, including the permanent collection of the Art Association of Harrisburg, the Loveland Colorado Museum, and the Norfolk Museum.
Among the many awards he has received in America and Europe is the Gold Medal of Allied Artists.
His memberships include the American Watercolor Society, Allied artists of America, Salmagundi Club, Art League of Nassau County, Art Students League of New York, and the Art Association of Harrisburg.
Mr. Tschamber is listed in Who’s Who in American Art.
George Tschamber was born in Germany, and lived for many years on Long Island, NY.
On a trip to Williamstown to visit his niece, Lillian Lower, he liked what he saw and moved here, to West Broad Street.
How long he lived in town is unknown, but some of the clippings here show he was in town in the late 1960s, and he died in 1997.
His name is listed in some places as Hellmuth George Tschamber, and in others as George Hellmuth Tschamber. Around Williamstown he was Mr.Tschamber or just George.
He was a member of the Welker Store Gang, those men who lingered at Russ’s Store to solve the problems of the day. A photo of that group is included here.
Hopefully more information about Mr. Tschamer will turn up, and if it does, we’ll share it here.
Begun May 27, 2016
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