The Grand Opening of the Millersburger Hotel took place on July 16, 1932 at Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. It was announced in the Harrisburg Telegraph with the above ad that ran on July 15, 1932.
Grand Opening – MILLERSBURGER HOTEL – Millersburg, Pennsylvania – July 16, 1932
Specializing in Steak, Chicken and Waffle Dinners – $1
Under the same ownership as the Daniel Boone Hotel, Reading, Pennsylvania
A. E. ZIMMER, Proprietor —– ALVIN PHILLIPS, Resident Manager
Also in the Harrisburg Telegraph was a brief news article explaining the opening:
Millersburg, July 15 [1932] — The new Millersburger Hotel will be formerly opened on Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. It was formerly the Hotel Koppenhaver, was purchased recently by H. W. Holtzman and Charles N. Lebo, and leased to A. E. Zimmer, of Reading. The manager will be Alvin Phillips.
The Elizabethville Echo, December 24, 1931, had previously explained the sale to the new owners:
The Hotel Koppenhaver property in Millersburg was recently sold at private sale to H. W. Holtzman, contractor, and Charles N. Lebo, broom manufacturer, both of Millersburg. The property was sold by the Commonwealth Trust Company, executors of the Koppenhaver estate.
The property is a three-story brick structure and the new owners will receive possession in January, when they expect to start remodeling. It will be modernly equipped and is expected to be completed by April.
The same day, the Lykens Standard reported the sale with some slightly different information:

H. W. Holtzman, building contractor, and Charles N. Lebo, broom manufacturer, both of Millersburg, purchased the Hotel Koppenhaver property, on Market Square, from the commonwealth Trust Company, Harrisburg, executors of the estate of the day at private sale. Messrs. Holtzman and Lebo will take possession January 15, 1932, after which operations for making extensive changes in the large brick structure will be started.
The building is to be remodeled and equipped with new furnishings for a modern hotel. It is expected to have the hotel ready for business April 1 [1932] when a manager will be in charge. Mr. Holtzman stated that in all probability the hostelry would be operated under the name of Hotel Koppenhaver.
News articles from
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