A copy of an advertisement for the Gratz Academy, Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, from 2 February 1978.
Gratz Academy
The undersigned would inform the citizens of Gratz and surrounding country that he will open the above institution at the spacious school building in the borough of
Gratz, April 1st, 1878
For the term of twelve weeks, tuition $5 and $7, according to the branches taught.
Pupils from abroad will be furnished with pleasant homes and board at prices as low as can be had anywhere.
Instruction will be given in such studies as are desired, in addition to the usual branches.
Being a graduate of the Kutztown Normal School, a first-class institution, I flatter myself that I can give satisfaction to all who may favor me with their support by placing their children under my charge.
A. S. BEISEL, B. E.,
Gratz, February 2, 1978
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