Some of the events of the school year 1902-1903 at the Gratz High School, as reported in local newspapers:
From the Lykens Standard, 5 June 1903:
The commencement exercises of Gratz High School will be held on Friday evening, June 12. The class consists of four members, as follows: Charles E. Snyder; Mollie E. Bowman; Florence Gottschall; and Annie L. Daniel. The exercises will be held in the high school building. A small admission will be charged to defray expenses. The exercises will consist of choice music to be rendered by a select chorus, solos, instrumental and vocal, orations and class song by members of graduating class. The Rev. J. W. Meminger, D.D., of Lancaster, will deliver the address to the class if he can be secured for the occasion.
On Sunday, June 7, the Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered to the class in the Reformed Church by the Rev. A. Zimmerman.
[The above communication, intended for publication last week, did not reach this office until Thursday evening, after the edition was nearly all printed.]
From the Lykens Standard, 5 June 1903:
The commencement exercises of the Gratz High School will be held in the auditorium of the high school building on Friday evening, June 13, at 7:30 o’clock. The class consists of four members as follows: Valedictorian, Charles Snyder; Salutatory, Miss Mollie E. Bowman; Miss Florence Gottschall and Miss Annie Daniel. The program will consist of valedictory, salutatory and two other orations, and a select chorus will render appropriate selections. The chief feature of the occasion will be a lecture to the class by the celebrated J. W. Meminger, D.D., of Lancaster. In order to defray current expenses in securing so popular an orator a small admission fee will be charged. The tickets are now on sale. Get your tickets early, as only a limited number will be sold on account of the small auditorium.
From the Harrisburg Telegraph, 9 June 1903:
Prof. J. T. Hoffman, who has very successfully taught the Gratz Borough High School for the last two years, was again unanimously re-elected to fill the same position for the ensuing term, at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors. A teacher for the primary school will be elected in a week or two.
From the West Schuylkill Herald, 11 June 1903:
The graduating class of the Gratz High school went to Lykens on Monday and had a class picture taken at the Noll Studio.
From the Lykens Standard, 12 June 1903:
Prof. J. T. Hoffman, wife and daughter, Miss Naomi Hoffman, accompanied members of the graduating class of the Gratz High School to this place Monday where they were photographed by Noll. The class consists of Charles Snyder, valedictorian; Miss Mollie Bowman, salutatorian; Misses Florence Gottschall and Annie Daniel.
From the Lykens Standard, 12 June 1903:
Prof. J. T. Hoffman, principal of the Gratz High School, accompanied by the members of the graduating class, made a business trip to Lykens on Monday.
From the Elizabethville Echo, 10 July 1903:
Monday’s North American contained an excellent picture of the graduating class of the Gratz High School.