The following news briefs were published in the “Gratz Items” section of a local newspaper for the week of 24 February 1926, and labeled, “too late for last week:”
Gordon Schminky, wife and son Herbert Schminky visited relatives and friends at Lykens on Sunday.
The roads in our vicinity are almost impassable at present.
Sam Scheib has installed a radio.
Some of our miners are screening coal at the tunnel dirt bank.
Ira Rothermel visited relatives and friends at Tremont.
Cline Hoffman and Henry Bower were drawn to serve as jurors in March term of Court.
Mrs. Sarah Scheib is on the sick list at the home of her son Francis Fenstermacher.
Some of our young sports attended the dance at Klingerstown on Saturday evening.
Robert McNally, a traveling salesman, visited his family over Sunday. Mr. McNally is also teacher of the Men’s Bible Class in the Lutheran Sunday School.
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