A 98-page-book, Adam H. Prenzel and Family, Master Inventor, and a History of the Halifax Shoe Companies, by Pearl Bretz Hane, was published in 2017 by the Halifax Area Historical Society, P.O. Box 562, Halifax, Pennsylvania 17032. The cover of the book is pictured above.
The book includes the following:
- Adam H. Prenzel House, Halifax
- Book Dedication to John Sheridan Hane and Beth Stoneroad
- Halifax Shoe Company Time Line
- Halifax Shoe Company Photos, 1890-1965
- Adam Henry Prenzel and Family
- Halifax Gazette Excerpts
- J. C. Marsh Opened in 1916 – A Moccasin and Soft Shoe Manufacturing Company
- A. H. Prenzel – Halifax Business receipts
- Civil War
- Plans for Two Halifax Shoe Factories Produced Much Conversation
- Briefly in Halifax: 1898 Champion Shoe Company of Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania
- History of Prenzel and Company Shoe Factory, 1898
- Adam Henry Prenzel – Machine Patent Copy and Blue Print
- Adam Henry Prenzel – Machine Patent Copy and Welt laying
- Adam Henry Prenzel – Letter of Chemical Formula
- Ryan Shoe Factory
- Building the New Prenzel Shoe Factory, 1916
- Adam Henry Prenzel – Machine Patent Copy Spring-Heel Shoes
- Adam Henry Prenzel – United States Patent Office Correspondence, 1925
- More Prenzel Inventions: Callous Removing Cream, Ironing Board Cover
- Adam H. Prenzel – Founding of the Royal Theatre, 1912
- Adam H. Prenzel – Founding of Halifax Rubber Company, 1915
- Adam H. Prenzel – Founding of Keep-Kleen Broom Company, 1933
- Music, Lyrics, and Note Writing Skills Explored by John T. Prenzel, 1936
- Halifax Shoe Factory Became Johnson & Baillie Shoe Company, 1893
- Brief History of Abraham Fortenbaugh, Newton E. Noblet, and Joseph E. Lyter
- How Willits Shoe Enterprise was Started, December 1917
- Pennsylvania Towns Affiliated with Shoe Companies in Halifax, 1925
- Obituary of W. T. Willits, Died June 29, 1934
- The 1917 Willits Shoe Factory, 2012
- Voices from Willits Shoe Company Past
- W. T. Willits from Birdsboro to Halifax, 1917
- Willits Shoe Company Came to a Final End, 2012
- Willits Artifacts Received by Halifax Area Historical Society, 2012
- Willits Shoe Company Buildings Remaining in 2016
- References
- Photos of Dr. J. W. Shope and Dr. Charles R. Shope
For information on the availability of this book, contact the Halifax Area Historical Society through their Facebook Page, or write to the address in the first paragraph of this blog post.
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