An undated photograph of Isaac Frank “Ike” Bowman, baseball player of Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
The photo was cropped from a town team photograph and was posted on a public tree on The full photograph was not posted.
Isaac F. Bowman died on 21 July 1936, and at that time, his obituary appeared in a local newspaper:
Isaac F. Bowman, of this place, died Tuesday morning at his home. He was 54 years old. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Blanche E. Bowman, of Halifax; two sons, Norwood F. Bowman, of Halifax, and Raymond E. Bowman, of Lemoyne; two grandchildren and three sisters, Mrs. Harry Barnette and Mrs. Frank Hile, of Steelton, and Miss Margaret Bowman, of Halifax.
Mr. Bowman was a member of the Pennsylvania Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, the Pennsylvania Railroad Relief, and Modern Woodmen of America.
Funeral services will be held at 1:30 o’clock this Friday afternoon at the home. The Rev. H. C. Mathias, pastor of the Halifax United Brethren Church, will officiate, and burial will be in the Halifax Cemetery.
No information has been found to indicate that Isaac ever played professional baseball.
Obituary from a public tree on
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