MILLERSBURG – John F. Wingard , a retired professional photographer and former owner/operator of Wingard ‘s Studios here, has died.
He was a member of First United Methodist Church, F&AM Lodge 364, Tall Cedars of Lebanon Forest 125, Zembo Shrine Temple, Harrisburg, and Millersburg Fire Company; and a founding member of the Lykens Valley Roamers.
“He was a good man and a faithful member of the church,” said his pastor, the Rev. Joseph Brady. “He was a longtime member, probably about 70 years. He was an avid hunter, liked to camp. He used to pull a trailer all the time, used to travel all over.”
Wingard , 93, formerly of 585 Bowman Street, died Wednesday in Susquehanna Lutheran Village.
Surviving are his wife, Mildred J. [Fasnacht] Wingard ; two daughters, Kathryn F. Mackey of Harrisburg and Mary Ann Holtzman of Millersburg; a brother, Ralph Wingard of Port Orange, Florida.; a sister, Geraldine Martz of Millersburg; four grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren.
Services will be held at 2 p.m. Monday in Hoover Funeral Home, Millersburg. Burial will be in Oak Hill Mausoleum.
Obituary from Harrisburg Patriot-News, February 11, 1999. Found in “America’s Obituaries and Death Notices,” NewsBank, obtained through the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.
Portrait cropped from group photo of the Millersburg Sesquicentennial Publicity Committee, 1957, as published in the Souvenir Book. Note: This could be a self-portrait as Wingard was the main photographer for the Sesquicentennial and for the book.
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