This photograph was taken about 1886 of the pupils of the Stone HIll School in Loyalton, Washington Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. It is believed to be the oldest known picture of any of the students who attended that school.
Front Row (boys sitting and kneeling): Charles Hoke; John Forney; Frank Eby; John Schoffstall; Ed Troxell; Claude Troutman.
Second Row (standing on ground): Martha Schoffstall; Charles Troxell; Gertie Gunderman; Annie Moyer; Mazie Lubold; Estella Shade; Katie Troxell; Millie Harper; Mable Forney; Adaline Gunderman; Lydia Snyder; Jane Troutman; Katie Rowe; Alfred Rowe; Charles Rowe; Edward Moyer.
Third Row (standing on lower step): Mollie Rowe; Annie Lubold; Mattie Harper; William J. Ginter; Ray Bohner; Ira Rowe; Harry Yohe; Daisy Eby; Jacob Snyder.
Back Row (standing on upper step): Amelia Lubold; Mary Hoover; Katie Miller; Louisa Johns; Agnes Klinger; S. S. Good, teacher; Jennie Good; John Hoover; Charles Lehman; Lewis Rowe; Isaac Hoover; Lucian Schoffstall; Joseph Rowe.
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