An envelope or cover dated July 8, 1898, postmarked at the Lykens Post Office, Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at 7 A. M.
The corner card is for H. A. Bressler, Hardware, Bicycle Repairing, Plumbing, and Tinsmith, Lykens, Pennsylvania. The cachet (lower left) indicates that Bressler was the “Proprietor of… Central Livery” and includes an image of a horse. The recipient was a party in Philadelphia.
The postage of 2 cents was paid with a commemorative stamp issued for the Trans-Mississippi Exposition at Omaha, Nebraska, June 1, 1898 to November 1, 1898. The stamp, which depicts horses and farming in the west, was part of a nine-value series. The earliest known use of the 2 cent stamp was June 17, 1898.
This item was sold on eBay.
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