Dietrich’s Cafe on East Main Street, since its establishment on October 13, 1906, has been the chief dining in the borough outside of a licensed hotel or restaurant. Mr. Dietrich has spared neither labor nor expense to attain this envied reputation and proposes many new improvements in the near future. His summer ice cream garden opened last season was a grand success, and was due to the fact that only the best brands of cream were served. The garden in itself, with its shrubbery, potted plants and decorations was a pleasant place to visit and lent additional relish to the delicacies served therein. Anything in in season desired can always be had at this cafe – soups, oysters in any style, fruit, confectionery, ice cream, sodas, sundaes, and all flavors of soda water. Orders by phone receive prompt attention.
Article from a special Souvenir Edition of the Lykens Standard, March 13, 1908, via Photo from a family collection.
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