This photograph was taken on 5 October 1949 of the pupils of the Geise School in Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The teacher, standing center, back row, is John H. Lenker. According to available school records, he served at least for 1948-1949 and also again in 1952.
The school was also known as the Gise School and was in existence for 100 years from about 1854 to 1954 when it closed and students from this part of the township began attending school in Gratz Borough.
One possible identification of the pupils and teacher in the picture is provided here:
Front Row (seated on ground): Alvin Sitlinger; Celin Sitlinger; John Mauser; John Hoffman; Paul Leffler; Wayne Sitlinger.
Middle Row (seated on bench): Marion Mauser; Mildred Lucas; Edna Kissinger; Gloria Lucas; Janet Leffler; Romaine Sitlinger; Shirley Mauser; Carol Lenker.
Back Row (standing): Thomas “Tommy” Shade; Donald Lucas; Clair Snyder; Evelyn Sitlinger; Arlene Mauser; Mr. John H. Lenker, teacher; Betty Erdman; Guy Leffler; Jean Leffler; John Mauser; June Leffler.
Since the students are lined in exact rows, there is no need for a number key to this photograph. However, corrections and confirmations of identifications provided above are welcome and should be added as comments to this post!