The front and back of a report card [Teacher’s Report to Parents] from the Geise School (also known as the Gise School), Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, school year 1902-1903.
The teacher for the year was Joseph A. Ferree.
School was in session for 20 days each month for 7 months. Days present, days absent, and days tardy were noted.
The student, probably a 2nd Grader at the time, was marked in the following subjects: Reading; Writing; Number Work; Orthography; Written Arithmetic; History (only for the 7th month).
In addition to the subjects, the student was graded on Deportment and Attention in Class.
SCALE OF MARKING: 100 Excellent; 95 Very Good; 80 Good; 60 Middling; 40 Poor. *For Grades, Consult Course of Study.
The rear of the card had a message for parents or guardians and a place for a SIGNATURE as well as REMARKS.
Great care is taken to make these reports a true index of the pupil’s standing. Please EXAMINE them carefully, SIGN on the proper line below, RETURN to the teacher promptly, and render such assistance as may appear necessary.
The teacher will retain this card until the close of the term and then hand it to the pupil.
Parents wishing to confer with the teacher about unsatisfactory progress or conduct of pupils will please do so BEFORE or AFTER reglar [sic] school house. “Education is the cheap defence of nations.”
Considerations for Marking: KNOWLEDGE OF THE SUBJECT, EFFORT, ORIGINALITY, INDEPENDENT WORK. It is as great a mistake to mark to high as to mark too low.
The card was printed by C. F. Harman, Printer, Enterline [Dauphin County, Pennsylvania].
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