The front and back of a report card [Teacher’s Report to Parents] from the Geise School (also known as the Gise School), Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, school year 1905-1906.
The teacher for the year was Rebecca H. Thompson..
Times tardy, 1/2 days absent, and days absent were noted.
The student, probably a 5th Grader at the time, was marked in the following subjects: Reading; Writing; Arithmetic; Spelling; Language or Grammar; Geography; U. S. History; Physiology; and Composition.
In addition to the subjects, the student was graded on Effort and Deportment.
On the back of the card was a message “to the parent.”
ABSENCE OR TARDINESS INTERFERES with the progress of the pupil and very seriously affects the efficiency of the School.
THE EXPLANATIONS NECESSARY TO RE-INSTATE the pupil on an equal footing with the rest of the class must either consume much valuable time of the entire school or draw very largely upon the time of the teacher outside of school hours; hence in order that the pupil may receive the greatest possible benefit from the Public School, PUNCTUAL AND REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.
The INTEREST, CORRECT DEPORTMENT and EARNEST EFFORT of the pupil will depend in so small degree upon the interest manifested by you in the education of your children and it is only with your cooperation that THE BEST RESULTS CAN BE REALIZED.
IN THE CASE OF NECESSARY ABSENCE OR TARDINESS please give the pupil a written excuse.
You will promote the interests of the pupil by signing this report each month and seeing that it is promptly returned.
- 100 is Perfect; 90 is Excellent; 80 is Good; 70 is Fair; 60 is Unsatisfactory.
- Low mark in deportment means wasted time and hindrance to others.
- Please give careful consideration to anything underscored.
You are cordially invited to visit the schools.
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