MILLERSBURG, September 21 [1929] – Millersburg is to have an airport because of the flying activities of its youngest aviator, Marion Ulrich “Hops” Gilbert, just two years out of high school.
Young Gilbert’s grandfather, Dr. Marion Ulrich, has purchased a 131-acre farm near here, forty-five acres of which will be turned into a landing field. Although Gilbert will find the greatest use for the field, it will be open to the community and to the town’s other aviator, Clarence W. Hunter, a veteran of five years flying, who is resident pilot at the Phillipsburg Airport.
Gilbert has been flying a plane for two years. He was graduated from the Millersburg High School in 1927 and from the Bliss Electrical School, Washington, in 1928. He has just purchased a new airplane, a Fairchild biplane powered with a Wright whirlwind motor. Two weeks ago he and Hunter took part in the Ames Field Dedication ceremonies at Phillipsburg and both won prizes in the contest.
4-Way Runways
The farm where the flying field is to be was formerly the property of Frank E. Keefer and is situated about three miles east of here. Work of clearing the field of stones has started and grading will be started as soon as this is completed. Four-way runways will be constructed, and a tract of woodland will be leveled. The trees will provide lumber for the construction of a hangar to house several planes. An oil and gasoline storage building also will be erected.
A building in town will be marked “Millersburg, three miles to airport” to direct fliers not familiar with the territory. This will be done under the auspices of the Guggenheim Foundation for the Promotion of Aeronautics. Markers will be placed for motorists. The back road to the field will be improved.
Tentative plans have been made for the dedication of the field next summer, when Army, Navy and Marine fliers will be invited to take part.
From the Harrisburg Evening News, 21 September 1929, via
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