A 1957 photograph of the Student Council of the Millersburg High School, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
Identified are:
Front Row (seated): M. Herman; J. Brightbill; P. Schreffler; J. Miller; G. Sweigard; C. Stetz.
Back Row (standing): R. Laird; K. Miller; M. Bishop; M. Hoke; S. Shrawder; L. Herman; T. Rowe; B. Roadcap.
“The purposes of the Council are: to maintain good government by stressing the virtues of self-control, courtesy, co-operation, and obedience to lawful authority; to furnish the students knowledge of everyday life in the school and society; to create a better understanding between the faculty and the students; to promote an interest in activities; and to establish a better relation between these activities and the school.”
From the 1957 Susquehannock, the yearbook of Millersburg High School, available in digital form on Ancestry.com.
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