In 1886, the Freeland House, the property of Thaddeus S. Freeland (1837-1915) was sold at Sheriff’s Sale at the County Court House in Harrisburg. The hotel was purchased by Mary Louise [Deckard] Freeland (1838-1907), the wife of Thaddeus, for $5,225. The adjoining dwelling, occupied by Thomas H. Ransom (1855-1933), and his barber shop, were included in the sale. Mrs. Freeland then sold the hotel to a Mr. Miller from Gratz, who disposed of it in 1888 to Isaac Koppenhaver, who tore it down and built the new Hotel Koppenhaver in 1898.
The announcement of the Sheriff’s Sale was made in the Harrisburg Telegraph on a weekly basis, August 5, 1886, through August 25, 1886. The sale took place on August 26, 1886.

The first parcel of Mr. Freeland’s was the hotel and stone back building as well as the frame dwelling house and barber shop:

The right, title and interest of Thaddeus S. Freeland in a certain piece or parcel of ground, situated on the southwest corner of Market Square in the borough of Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, fronting on market Street 150 feet more or less, to an alley; thereon erected a two-story stone house and a two-story brick house, known as the “Freeland House,” and a two-story stone back building attached, and a two-story frame building used as a dwelling house, and a barber shop fronting on Market Street, a large frame stable, a a well of water with a pump therein, &c; as the property of Thaddeus S. Freeland, defendant.
The second parcel was the personal home of Thaddeus S. Freeland, located in Upper Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania:
The right, title and interest of Thaddeus S. Freeland in a certain piece or tract of land, situated in Upper Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Bounded on the north by lands of John Seiler, on the east by lands of John Seiler, Isaac Deibler, and Mrs. Michael, on the south by lands of Simon Cameron, and on the west by lands of Daniel Jury and others, containing 126 acres, more or less; therein erected two two-story frame dwelling houses, with a well of water with a pump therein to each house, a wash house, a bake house, a barn, the lower story stone and upper story frame, with a well of water with a pump therein, another frame barn, pig pen, corn crib, a frame mill with good water power from the Little Wiconisco Creek which passes through the farm, together with a two story brick dwelling house, a frame wash house, a frame barn, a good orchard and other fruit trees, &c.; as the property of Thaddeus S. Freeland, defendant.
Thomas H. Ransom, the proprietor of the barber shop, was previously profiled on this blog. See:
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