Two undated photographs picturing the children of Norman Riegle and others, possibly their cousins, somewhere in the country, probably in Specktown, Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. There is a stream that can be seen in the photo which could indicate that the location was very near the Specktown covered bridge, a popular site for picnics.
Identified in the above photo are:
Front Row: Ruth [Evitts] Nichols (1910-1993, cousin); Delos N. Riegle (1919-1990); Melva Sitlinger (1901-1985), cousin.
Back Row (mostly standing): Daniel H. Riegle (1917-1990); —–?——; Albert K. Evitts (1908-1985), cousin, seated; —–?—–; Louise K. [Riegle] Labe (1915-1977).
In the above photo, the woman with the hat is not identified. The stream also appears in the photo.
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