The Kessler private airport southwest of Tower City is about to be enlarged and probably turned into a commercial field. A call has gone out for 18-inch or larger pipe, clean fill and heavy machine to level a ravine at the eastern end of the 1800-foot field.
On Sunday, October 20 sightseeing flights will be flown from this airport by Ledyard Thompson of Suedberg using an Aeronca Tri-Champ. All proceeds, less expenses will go to the Tower City Community Industrial Development Organization. The State Aeronautics Commission has given permission for the flights.
Rullel Ulsh, bakery operator from Tower City, has obtained a student pilot’s license, and is attending Hershey Flying School. Other students from the West End are attending the Hershey ground school each Tuesday evening at 7:30. Those attending are: Mark Minnich, William Pickalavage, and Russel Ulsh. Anyone from the West End desiring to attend should contact the above men.
Jay Seiler, Eastern Airlines pilot of Tower City has installed lights on his Luscombe and can be seen flying long after the sun has set.
Gene Bendigo, another West End flyer had the engine of his Champ overhauled by Reading Aviation and is again flying. Earlier in the summer he was forced to land on the Mahoning Valley Golf Course, south of Tamaqua when an exhaust valve broke.
Article from the West Schuylkill Herald, 5 June 1963, via
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