Wiconisco – Man Burned at Briquet Plant, 1924
JAKE MILLER BURNED AT BRIQUET PLANT George Miller, better known as “Jake,” sustained severe burns of face, arms and legs Friday evening of last week while cleaning a dry culm […]
JAKE MILLER BURNED AT BRIQUET PLANT George Miller, better known as “Jake,” sustained severe burns of face, arms and legs Friday evening of last week while cleaning a dry culm […]
In May 1923, a second major fire occurred at the American Briquet Plant in Wiconisco, near Lykens. The first fire took place in 1919, one month after the plant had […]
In 1919, about one month after the American Briquet Company opened a new plant at Wiconisco, near Lykens, a fire, believed to have been caused by defective wiring, broke out […]
TWO SEVERELY BURNED IN GAS EXPLOSION Otto Platzer of Main Street and George Kolva of Coaldale were severely burned in an explosion of gas in Short Mountain Colliery, Monday morning […]
MINE ACCIDENT FATAL TO CHARLES MUCHER Again the inevitable happened at Short Mountain Colliery and a possible outburst of gas took for its toll the life of Charles Wellington J. […]
WILLIAMSTOWN MAN SUFFOCATED IN MINE Howard Jenkins, aged 20 years, of Williamstown, was suffocated following a blast in 9 1/2 vein in Shaft No. 2, Susquehanna Colliery, Monday about noon. […]
September 1, 1928 – On a trip to Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, to participate in the dedication of the new airport at that place, the largest airship/dirigible in the Navy, […]
The Lykens Standard of April 1, 1910 provided a description of the fatal accident which took the life of a young miner at the Short Mountain Colliery, Bear Gap, near […]