Elias “Eli” Swab (1824-1898)
Elias “Eli” Swab was born in Mifflin Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 7 October 1824. The first ancestor in the line of his family to come to America was his great-grandfather, […]
Elias “Eli” Swab was born in Mifflin Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 7 October 1824. The first ancestor in the line of his family to come to America was his great-grandfather, […]
Professor Henry G. Dornheim, formerly principal of the public schools of Elizabethville, Pennsylvania, was born in Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 7 November 1859. He is a son of Rudolph H. […]
John C. Stroup, M.D., Elizabethville, Pennsylvania, was born in Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 8 January 1859. He is a son of Dr. John B. Stroup and Saloma [Shellenberger] Stroup. Peter […]
Joseph D. Gise, farmer and stockman, was born in Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 27 April 1834. His grandfather, Nichlas Gise, was a native of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, and a […]
John A. Romberger, dealer in coal, lumber, grain, seeds, and potatoes, Elizabethville, Pennsylvania, was born on the old homestead, in Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 21 April 1850, the son […]
Isaac Swab, foundryman, was born in Washington Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 5 October 1845. He is a son of Daniel Swab and Sarah [Heller] Swab. Isaac Swab was educated in […]
Mifflin Township was officially created on 3 September 1810. Its original area (green on map above) included one other present-day township [Washington Township] which was later divided from the southern […]
John D. Swab, farmer, Washington Township, was born in the township, 25 January 1848, the son of Daniel Swab and Sarah “Sallie” [Heller] Swab. He was born and reared on […]