Gratz – Simeon Union Church Sunday School, 1912
This photo of a Sunday School Class from around 1912, is probably from the Simeon Union Church, Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Normally, in such union churches, where the Lutheran and […]
This photo of a Sunday School Class from around 1912, is probably from the Simeon Union Church, Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Normally, in such union churches, where the Lutheran and […]
The 1923 Confirmation Class of the Simeon Reformed Church, Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, is pictured above. Nearly all of those confirmed have been identified as follows: Front Row (seated on […]
The 1919 Simeon Lutheran Church Confirmation at Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania: Front Row (seated): Mary [Shaffer] Scheib; Elsie [Lebo] Kratzer; Hazel [Hoke] Dietrich; Rev. Wayne Z. Artz; Mattie [Klinger] Daniels; […]
This 1924 Sunday School Class picture from the Simeon Reformed Church, Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, may have been taken at a family picnic. The teacher standing in the rear, is […]
The Rev. Howard Allen Kunkle is pictured in the center of the front row of this photograph of the 1907 Confirmation Class of the Simeon Lutheran Church, Gratz, Dauphin County, […]
The 1903 Confirmation Class of the Simeon Lutheran Church, Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, was taught by Rev. Calvin F. Kuder, who is shown here at left in the class […]
This is the 1901 Confirmation Class from the Simeon Lutheran Church, Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Members are identified as follows: Front Row (seated): Jennie [Kissinger] McNally, Annie Faulk; Sallie Hartman; […]
Tintype photography achieved its greatest popularity in the 1860s and 1870s when practitioners of this art traveled to country fairs and set up temporary studios, where for a small fee, […]