Halifax – Long’s Church & Cemetery
An undated photograph of Long’s Church and Cemetery, south of Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The cemetery is till there (along Route 147), but the church building is long gone, being […]
An undated photograph of Long’s Church and Cemetery, south of Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. The cemetery is till there (along Route 147), but the church building is long gone, being […]
On a Sunday in April 1952, State Police raided both veterans’ organizations in Halifax (VFW & American Legion), Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and seized slot machines and other gambling paraphernalia, and […]
An undated picture post card view (colorized) of Market Street, looking east, Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. _______________________________ Corrections and additional information should be added as comments to this post.
An undated post card view (colorized) of North Front Street, Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. ________________________________________ Corrections and additional information should be added as comments to this post.
A colorized photograph of Charles Curtis and Herbert Hoover, taken after they received the nomination of the Republican Party for Vice President and President in the Election of 1928. (Original […]
An undated photo post card view (colorized) of Second Street, Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. _________________________________ Corrections and additional information should be added as comments to this post.
An undated photo post card view of Fourth Street, Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. ________________________________ Corrections and additional information should be added as comments to this post.
An undated generic post card from Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Greeting from Halifax, Pennsylvania ________________________________________ Corrections and additional information should be added as comments to this post.