Sacramento Post Office, 1929
A small, greeting-card-sized envelope mailed from the Sacramento Post Office, Sacramento, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. The hand cancel give the date of mailing as 28 March 1929 and the time as […]
A small, greeting-card-sized envelope mailed from the Sacramento Post Office, Sacramento, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. The hand cancel give the date of mailing as 28 March 1929 and the time as […]
By mid-October 1911 construction of the Midland Pennsylvania Railroad was supposed to be completed to Gratz in time for the Gratz Fair. Construction began in earnest in the area around […]
A collection of newspaper briefs describing the acquisition of land in 1910-1912 for the construction of the Midland Pennsylvania Railroad. Two disputed cases are noted: (1) The area of the […]
On 29 July 1910, the Harrisburg Telegraph announced the awarding of contracts for the construction of the Midland Pennsylvania Railroad along with expectations as to when the work would begin: […]
ERDMAN BOY IS ACCIDENT VICTIM James Lamar Kessler, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Kessler of Erdman, was fatally injured when struck by an automobile near his home early […]
Some stories found in local and area newspapers describe the ongoing efforts in 1910 to complete the surveying of the land over which the Midland Pennsylvania Railroad would be built. […]
GRATZ MAN, 74, KILLED BY AUTO Harry E. Umholtz, 74, was instantly killed when struck by an automobile on the highway near his home in Gratz Friday evening. He sustained […]
The Midland Pennsylvania Railroad, begun in 1910, with plans to connect Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, with Ashland, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, turned out to be a colossal failure. In addition to […]