A photograph taken of the home of Margaret Shadle in Loyalton, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, after the flood of 22 June 1972.
The small community of Loyalton, located on Route 209 west of Lykens suffered flood damage in the west section of town when the creek overflowed completely closing Route 209 and doing damage to the bridge on Route 209. The Valley Inn restaurant, the home of Margaret Shadle, Solence’s home, and Marlin John‘s Garage suffered the heaviest damage. It was several weeks later before two way traffic was possible in the area of the bridge.
Photo Caption: The foundation of Margaret Shadle‘s home, which is located directly along side of the creek in Loyalton crumbled because of the force from the flood waters and caused the entire front section to tilt forward.

From “Collector’s Limited Edition” of Lykens and Williams Valley Flood of 1972, published by the Lykens Standard, Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in June 1972.
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