An undated, colorized photograph showing a group of teenagers sitting on the porch steps of a house somewhere in Tremont, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
The caption in the photo named those pictured:
TREMONT TEENAGERS THEN: The maidens, left to right were Mary Leininger (now Mrs. Mary Mease); Tillie Rine (deceased) who became Mrs. Walter Kreis, mother of Mrs. Kathryn Derr, R. N., school nurse; Carrie Eisenacher who became Mrs. William Neidlinger (deceased); the child on her lap was Ethel Schultz. The lads were Henry Rine and Ray D. Leidich, both deceased. The picture belongs to Mrs. Mary Mease.
Published in the Pine Grove Press Herald, January 27, 1972, as part of the “Down Memory Lane” feature.