Valley View, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania – Valley View News, reported for the week of September 19, 1924, included happenings in the schools, and churches, as well as attendance at a major Ku Klux Klan rally in Lebanon.
From the Lykens Standard, Valley View News, September 26, 1924:
H. M. Jones, of Pine Grove, made his first visit to Hegins Township on Wednesday, September 17 [1924], when he taught vocal music in the elementary grades. Mr. Jones has also been employed as chorister for the U. B. Church.
C. A. Klinger of Herndon, made a business tour thru Valley View and Hegins on Thursday.
Monroe Smeltz has done considerable repairing in the grade school building in Main Street. This year the first grade occupies the second floor of the building.
Miss Gertrude Lebo left home for Minersville Normal School when she expects to pursue Senior work for grades 4-5-6. She will graduate in the Spring of 1925.
On Saturday evening at 7:30 p. m. in the Trinity Lutheran Church of Valley View, the camp Fire Girls of this place will stage a univue “Harvest Pageant.” It is homed that they will have a hearty response from the public. All are cordially invited to be present.
David Horn of Ringtown, who visited relatives at Lehighton and Allentown, is spending a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Seltzer.
William Klinger and family visited friends at Deep Creek on Sunday.
Robert Seltzer and daughter Ethel Seltzer motored to Ringtown and Brandonville last Saturday and Sunday.
The Ladies’ Aid of the Trinity Lutheran Church met at the home of Mrs. Mark Koppenhaver on Monday night. They transacted business and later refreshments were served.
Mrs. Oscar Rickert, Mrs. Ira Schlegel and Mrs. Robert Seltzer visited Mrs. Philip Updegrave who is gradually recovering from an illness.
The public sale of Simon Hartman of Valley View, was largely attended Saturday, September 20 [1924]. The household goods brought good prices but he retained his home because the highest bid was $6000. Hartman moves to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Ray Updegrave visited visited his father, Sunday. He has planned to start a garage in Valley View in the near future. Valley View has at present four garages.
A number of our citizens were in attendance in the Klan meeting held at Lebanon on Saturday, September 20 [1924]. They left on the P. R. R. train from Good Spring.
Mr. A. A. Schwalm has been elected as truant officer of Hegins Township. He is very prompt in performing his duties.
From Newspapers.com.