John W. Shipe, D. C., Chiropractor, 403 E. Market Street, Williamstown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
Chiropractic Is the Science of Palpating Nerve Tracing and Adjusting Vertebrae for the Relief of Diseased Conditions.
Every living tissue and cell in the body must at all times receive 100% of life and function. Any tissue or cell receiving less than 100% of the life force or nerve energy is comparatively thrown in a weakened condition or disease. This life force or nerve energy is conveyed to all tissues and cells by means of the nervous system. Any pressure on a nerve will diminish this flow of life force or nerve energy to the extent of the pressure on the nerve. These pressures occur at the exit of the nerve from the spinal column. This is invariably the cause of disease. The Chiropractor quickly corrects this cause and lets the life force or nerve energy flow to all tissues and cells which quickly bring about a permanent cure. Call on your Chiropractor for your ills and enjoy 100% of Health.
An advertisement that appeared in the Lykens-Williams Valley History-Directory and Pictorial Review, by J. Allen Barrett, published in 1922.
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